Number:rdar://FB9997896 Date Originated:07/27/2023
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Appkit Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:
NSPasteboardItemDataProvider provides a way to set a data provider for a pasteboard item. This data provider can be used to provide the data for a particular pasteboard item upon request. But, when pasteboard:item:provideDataForType is called, there is no way to asynchronously populate data for the requested pasteboard item. In provideDataForType, the data needs to be set synchronously.
e.g. If an image needs to be produced in response to this call, then it would be a bad user experience if the app is blocked on encoding and serialization process of the image.
Also, see https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/425 for more details.


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