Xcode9: Cannot drag-select last character of second-soft-wrapped line

Number:rdar://34613859 Date Originated:9/23/2017
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:Version 9.0 (9A235)
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always

Hi!  It's the corner-case fairly come to pay you a visit today :-)

Today I discovered I can't drag-select the last character of a soft-wrapped line. See attached screen shot and gif file.

For the lines that are soft-wrapped twice and end with the text going all the way across (such as lines 181.2, 185.2) I cannot drag-select the last character (the gif file shows that).

Lines that are soft-wrapped once (such as the comma on line 184.1) does let me drag-select.

I can also extend the selection into the 'unselectable' characters by shift-arrow.

Steps to Reproduce:

Have a line of code that soft-wraps three times.
Have this line of code be the second line with text that runs all the way to the edge of the editor.
Have the moon in Waxing Crescent soon after the autumnal equinox
drag-select the code to the right, dragging outside of the editor

Expected Results:

text is selected til the end of the line

Actual Results:

text is selected, save for the last character

Version 9.0 (9A235)
10.12.6 (16G29)



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