Xcode text editor jumps scroll randomly editing source at end of file

Number:rdar://22051455 Date Originated:7/29/2015
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Xcode Product Version:6.4 (6E35b)
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
When I go to edit source code at the end of a file (.swift), if the document exceeds the height of the screen, when typing, the source editor will jump to a seemingly random location above where the cursor is positioned and essentially hide the text I am editing. If I attempt to use the auto-complete drop down, I am likely to accidentally insert my cursor into an incorrect area of the source file and cause errors.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open Xcode
2. Open .swift source file that exceeds the height of the current monitor (so that you have to scroll)
3. Insert cursor and edit source code towards very bottom of the file

Expected Results:
When I am typing, Xcode doesn't auto jump-scroll to a random position.

Actual Results:
The source editor jumps to a random location upwards then jumps back when I type another key, only for it to jump up again shortly after.

Xcode 6.4 (6E35b)
OS X 10.10.4 (14E46)

I have filed this bug report previously (#20205045).

15" MacBook Pro with Retina Display (mid-2012)

'Sample of Xcode.txt' and 'Xcode bug.mov' were successfully uploaded.


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