NSURLSession crashes when SPDY server attempts to push data

Number:rdar://19724022 Date Originated:04-Feb-2015 04:59 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:
NSURLSession in iOS 8 can normally connect just fine to a server using the SPDY network protocol. However, if the server tries to push data using SPDY, the client app crashes.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Write a sample server (e.g. in node.js) that accepts incoming requests using SPDY and sends back a response that includes server push data.
2. Write a client app that uses NSURLSession to make a request to the server.
3. Run the server.
4. Run the app and initiate the connection.

Expected Results:
The app should properly receive the initial response and any data pushed to the server via SPDY.

Actual Results:
The app crashes with the following message: "Assertion failed: (stream != NULL), function cb_spdylay_on_stream_close, file /SourceCache/CFNetwork_Sim/CFNetwork-711.1.12/SPDY/SPDYConnection.cpp, line 1775."

iOS 8.1

Since the server is running on my local box and the SSL certificate is self-signed, URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler: is overridden to ignore the fact that the certificate is invalid.

iPhone 4S, iPhone simulators




I also face this same issue, Did you get any solution ?

Thanks, Miral

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