UITabBar transition incorrect when using hidesBottomBarWhenPushed on iPhone X

Number:rdar://35585928 Date Originated:November 16 2017, 12:43 PM
Status: Resolved:
Product:UIKit Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:Always

The transition of the tab bar is not correct on iPhone X when popping a view controller that have hidesBottomBarWhenPushed set to true.

Steps to Reproduce:

In a UITabBarController, pop from a view controller that have hidesBottomBarWhenPushed set to true on iPhone X.

Expected Results:

The transition looks as on other iPhones, e.g. iPhone 7. That is, the tab bar follows the view controller the navigation controller is popping to - and as a result, the tab bar is behind the view controller that is being popped.

Actual Results:

The tab bar appears instantly on top of both the view controller the navigation controller is popping to and popping from.

See attached GIFs for comparison between the iPhone 7 and iPhone X simulators. Also see the attached sample project.


Version 9.2 beta (9C34b)



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