Expose SecKeyEncrypt/SecKeyRawVerify/SecKeyRawSign on OS X as said in the header for iOS.

Number:rdar://22067843 Date Originated:30-Jul-2015 09:36 AM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:OS X SDK Product Version:10.10
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Always
We’re using SecKeyEncrypt, SecKeyRawVerify and SecKeyRawVerify/SecKeyRawSign on both iOS and OS X. They are all declared to be available on OS X starting with 10.7 - yet I can’t find them in any of the Mac headers.

OSStatus SecKeyEncrypt(
    SecKeyRef           key,
	SecPadding          padding,
	const uint8_t		*plainText,
	size_t              plainTextLen,
	uint8_t             *cipherText,
	size_t              *cipherTextLen)

OSStatus SecKeyRawVerify(
    SecKeyRef           key,
	SecPadding          padding,
	const uint8_t       *signedData,
	size_t              signedDataLen,
	const uint8_t       *sig,
	size_t              sigLen)

OSStatus SecKeyRawSign(
    SecKeyRef           key,
	SecPadding          padding,
	const uint8_t       *dataToSign,
	size_t              dataToSignLen,
	uint8_t             *sig,
	size_t              *sigLen)

Right now we just manually declare them as we assume this is an oversight int he headers. If this is not the case, then it’s a bug in the iOS documentation. I checked with 8.4 and 9.0b4 - both have the same headers declaring this as available since 10.7. It also works; we use it for (internal) code on both iOS and the Mac.


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